HAWC2 Archive#

HAWC2 (Horizontal Axis Wind turbine simulation Code 2nd generation) is an aeroelastic code intended for calculating wind turbine response in time domain. The core of the code was developed mainly within the years 2003-2007, by the Aeroelastic Design Research Program at DTU Wind Energy, DTU Risø Campus in Denmark. HAWC2 is developed and distributed by DTU Wind Energy and has been used in numerous research projects and industrial applications. HAWC2 has a large number of users and is used both for design and verification purposes.

Historical releases#


13.1.0 linux HAWC2MB-x86_64- (153.49 MB)

13.1.0 linux HAWC2_13.1.0_linux.zip (220.91 MB)

13.1.0 win32 HAWC2Setup_32_13.1.0.0.msi (70.29 MB)

13.1.0 win32 HAWC2_13.1.0_win32.zip (65.05 MB)

13.1.0 win64 HAWC2Setup_13.1.0.0.msi (131.46 MB)

13.1.0 win64 HAWC2_13.1.0_win64.zip (127.72 MB)

13.1.0 manual How2HAWC2.pdf (1.46 MB)

Release notes

Updates since HAWC2 version 13.0.0

New features:

  • Added new lidar sensor: hub mounted pulsed lidar. For more details and a verification report see: Soto Sagredo, E. A., Rinker, J. M., & Lund, R. S. (2023). *Verification of numerical lidars in HAWC2: Analysis of nacelle- and hub-mounted lidars*.

  • HAWC2 can now also be accessed as a library through a Python interface, see HAWC2Lib. The interface is called h2lib and allows the user to interact programmatically with HAWC2 in a Python environment. This allows users to develop new applications such as a controller written entirely in Python instead of a compiled language (Fortran, C, C++), see different use cases here: Rotor Interaction.

  • Additional licensing mechanism: HAWC2 and HAWCStab2 support now an online licence server architecture that doesn’t require hardware/domain name bound license dll files. This licensing also works with HAWC2Lib. In our experience this licensing mechanism scales well across large cloud deployments and is much easier to manage from the developer’s side.

  • Customizable name/unit/description of sensors. Using $desc(), $unit() and $name() these attributes of a sensor can be set in the HTC file: Example: aero alfa 1 72.5 # $desc(My super cool new sensor measuring aoa) $unit(Deg) $name(MyInstrument); will give the sensor a name of “MyInstrument” with units “Deg” and a description of “My super cool new sensor measuring aoa”.

  • HAWC2 is now available in formats other than the traditional portable version:

    • AppImage for linux

    • Installable .msi package for windows.

  • The HAWC2 Manual “How2HAWC2.pdf” is now available as a website complimenting the pdf version in the existing bundle.

Major changes/updates:

  • The tilt/rotation of the tower-top is now applied to the nacelle-lidar probing vector. See point under New features for verification report.

  • Default turbulence advection direction has been reversed, See note on Mann turbulence. A warning will be printed in the log file if the user uses a turbulence box without explicitly stating how to read it.

Minor changes/updates:

  • Statically linked hdf5 libs, reduces the number of dll’s / so’s in the executable bundle

  • Provide user a more detailed message on which license mechanism is active.

  • Turbulence files are now read in larger chunks instead of 1 plane at a time. This reduces the risk of overloading the filesystem when running large sets of simulations on e.g. an HPC system with a common file system and distributed execution.

  • The turbulence scaling routines had the same flaws as the reading routines (see point above), and these have been fixed as well.

  • The dynamic stall time constants are now written to the log file if the unified dynamic stall model is used. This is done to avoid confusion because the previous flap model had other default values than the previous mhh stall model. Further, HAWC2 now switches to the 2-term attached flow step response approximation if either a1 and a2 or b1 and b2 are user-defined using the previous mhh commands.

  • Automatic arrays are stored on the heap instead of the stack to reduce the risk of stack overflows. For more background information see for example https://stackoverflow.com/questions/79923/what-and-where-are-the-stack-and-heap.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an error which meant that upper case characters where not always preserved in filename and continue_in_file commands

  • Removed incorrect message of “Profile coefficients have been 3D corrected inside HAWC2” when using output_profile_coef_filename, even when setting: 3d_correct_method  0.

  • Fixed bug causing HAWC2 to crash when reading a user defined a_ct_table.

  • Fixed bug where concentrated mass was added twice to a shared node. When using uniform distribution of nodes in a main body, AND more than one body, AND adding concentrated mass to a node which is shared between neighboring bodies, the concentrated mass was added to both bodies.

  • Now the blade number is correctly read for each sensor in an output_at_time block.

How2HAWC2 13.1:

  • Corrected typo on stop_simulation action.

  • Updated control DLL examples in DLL-Control chapter with fixed length arrays.

  • Added a section on the Mann Turbulence format.

  • Added description of the box_front keyword in the mann block.

  • Added description of the Magnus coefficient input in the hydrodynamics block.

  • Added documentation of the custom sensor naming.

  • Added description of the hub lidar output sensor.

  • Updated the description of the nacelle lidar output sensor.

wkin_dll 2.8.5:

  • update internal utils shared code (no modelling or functionality changes)

ESYSTools 1.4:

  • Automatic arrays are stored on the heap instead of the stack to reduce the risk of stack overflows.

  • Added origin offset to constraint cstr_body_origin_disp_forced.

ESYSSuperelement 1.3:

  • Automatic arrays are stored on the heap instead of the stack to reduce the risk of stack overflows.

  • Added check to see if the super-element data file exists.

  • Fixed bug where output would not contain node force/moment components.

ESYSWamit 1.8:

  • Bugfix in reset of first-call flag in ESYSWamit_update subroutine.

  • Enabled sorting of frequencies in radiation/diffraction input to enable frequency input in custom order.

  • Get time step from hawc2 directly. When using the time_step command in ESYSWamit the user is presented with a warning that the command has become obsolete.

  • Automatic arrays are stored on the heap instead of the stack to reduce the risk of stack overflows.

ESYSMooring 1.5:

  • Included creep model

  • Added non-linear stress/strain relation


13.0.5 linux HAWC2MB-x86_64- (151.48 MB)

13.0.5 linux HAWC2_13.0.5_linux.zip (218.82 MB)

13.0.5 win32 HAWC2Setup_32_13.0.5.msi (65.72 MB)

13.0.5 win32 HAWC2_13.0.5_win32.zip (62.90 MB)

13.0.5 win64 HAWC2Setup_64_13.0.5.msi (126.78 MB)

13.0.5 win64 HAWC2_13.0.5_win64.zip (123.97 MB)

Release notes

Updates since version 13.0.0

New features:

  • Customizable name/unit/description of sensors. Using $desc() $unit() and $name() these attributes of a sensor can be set in the HTC file:

    • Example: aero alfa 1 72.5 # $desc(My super cool new sensor measuring aoa) $unit(Deg) $name(MyInstrument); will give the sensor a name of “MyInstrument” with units “Deg” and a description of “My super cool new sensor measuring aoa”.

  • Web based license. HAWC2 now supports the use of a web-based license which lets users authenticate over the web rather than with a hardware bound DLL.

  • HAWC2 is now available in formats other than the traditional portable version:

    • AppImage for linux

    • Installable .msi package for windows.


13.0.0 linux HAWC2_13.0.0_linux.zip (198.30 MB)

13.0.0 win32 HAWC2_13.0.0_win32.zip (55.25 MB)

13.0.0 win64 HAWC2_13.0.0_win64.zip (113.01 MB)

Release notes

Updates since version 12.9.0

New features:

  • Static solver. With undeflected initial conditions (default), the position of the nodes at the beginning of the simulation is defined by the c2_def and orientation of each main body. This option will cause HAWC2 to solve a nonlinear static problem at the beginning of the simulation and use this deflected configuration as initial condition. Only some forcing terms are considered for this problem, namely: gravity at fixed azimuth angle, centrifugal loading, hydrodynamics and external system constraints. Starting the simulation from the static solution will reduce the initial transients. See the “initial_condition” keyword in section 8.1 of the user manual.

  • New aerodynamic induction models for non-straight blades and non-planar rotors:

    • A vortex cylinder model as a correction to the BEM method (see keyword “vortex_cylinder_model” in manual). The resulting axial induction is unchanged for a planar rotor. For a non-planar rotor, the influence on the axial induction and also the radial induction are included in a physical-consistent manner. The non-planar effect is related to rotors that have coning, prebend and/or flexible blades. The computational cost is comparable to BEM. The model is described in Li et al. ‘A computationally efficient engineering aerodynamic model for non-planar wind turbine rotors’.

    • An extension for the near wake model was implemented that can accurately compute the induction for swept blades (see keywork “nw_sweep” in manual). It models the effects of the non-straight bound vortex and the azimuthally shifted starting positions of the trailed vorticity due to non-straight blades. The computational cost is slightly increased when the sweep extension is active. The model is described in Li et al. ‘A computationally efficient engineering aerodynamic model for swept wind turbine blades’ and Li at al. ‘The influence of the bound vortex on the aerodynamics of curved wind turbine blades’.

  • In the aerodynamic module, instead of using the default polynomial function for the relationship between axial induction factor and the thrust coefficient: a=f(CT), the user can now provide a file that contains tabulated (a-Ct) data (see keyword “a_ct_table” in manual).

  • Now it is possible to model a counter-clockwise rotating HAWT rotor. This requires setting a new keyword “rotate_sec” in the aero command block (see section 12.1 in the manual). An example of a CW and CCW rotating rotor is available here.

  • New sensors: “hydro totfrc” and “hydro totmom” calculates the total force and moment, respectively, of all hydrodynamic loads from either a single or from all hydro_elements.

  • Optionally switch off mass scaling: by default each main body has the mass scaled such that the static moment around the first node due to its own mass is the same for the element wise main body (where each elements has a constant mass) and the continuous (and linearly varying) definition in the st file. From HAWC2 13.0 and onwards users can now disable this scaling with the keyword “mass_scale_method” (see manual section 9.2.1 page 21).

Major updates:

  • Dynamic stall model improvements:

    • The dynstall_methods 2 and 3, previously dynstall_mhh and dynstall_ateflap are now merged in a unified dynamic stall model. Details on this can be found in the manual (section 12 Aerodynamics and 12.3 Sub command block – dynstall_mhh or dynstall_ateflap). Because of this merging, several of the developments of the dynstall_mhh model from the previous years are now also available if simulating a turbine with trailing edge flaps. In addition to those, the following changes were implemented.

    • The modeling of the added mass effect due to airfoil acceleration perpendicular to the chord has been improved. The resulting force normal to the chord is now projected onto the lift and drag forces (previously it was assumed to be in the lift direction) and a new added mass moment coefficient ensures that the resulting force acts at the mid chord. Also the acceleration perpendicular to the chord is now determined correctly at the half chord, not at the three-quarter chord as in previous releases.

    • An additional drag term depending on the square of the torsion rate has been added to improve accuracy of dynamic behavior or for non-planar rotors.

    • Further, the model is now deactivating itself when the airfoil data does not contain a clear linear lift region followed by a decreasing lift gradient when the flow begins to separate. This deactivation will usually be triggered for sections close to the root and that are interpolated between a very thick airfoil and a cylinder. The criteria for deactivation can be user defined (see manual section 12.3). Deactivation will prompt a message to the simulation log that the model has been deactivated for the given section.

    • The model can also be set to deactivate for airfoils thicker than a user defined thickness values (see manual section 12.3). This makes the model more robust with respect to for example cylinder input data with very small but non-zero lift.

    • All airfoil data, such as the fully attached C_L or the steady separation point position, that the model generates based on the input polars can now be written out to ASCII files to allow for sanity checks (manual section 12.3, command “output_polar_filename”).

  • In the aerodynamic module, more details in the BEM aerodynamic model can be adjusted. The commands are described in section 12.5 in the manual.

    • Optional to include the wake rotation effect.

    • Optional to only use the lift force in momentum balancing.

    • Optional to use sectional flow angle for BEM tip-loss correction.

  • Tower shadow wakes can now correctly consider multiple upstream wake sources, and a total deficit will be computed based upon all upstream sources. In previous versions only a single wake source was considered to contribute to the wake deficit.

  • When a line termination semicolon (“;”) is missing HAWC2 will now stop with an error message indicating it is missing. In earlier versions only a warning message to the log file was written.

Minor updates:

  • HAWC2 now provides better information when the simulation is not converging.

  • Added coordinate systems to eigenmode visualization for visualization of torsional modes.

  • Improved computational efficiency of the nacelle_lidar sensor.

  • The computational efficiency of the near wake model has been improved.

  • Increased the efficiency of getting wind speed in the flow field.

  • Increased the efficiency of reading Mann turbulence buffer.

  • Increased the efficiency of interpolation of wind speed in Mann turbulence box.

  • The input airfoil polar data is now read and interpolated onto a grid with 0.1 degree increments of angle of attack, previously the resolution was 1 degree.

  • The rotationally sampled wind speed can now be output including or excluding tower shadow effects, see manual.

  • The BEM aerodynamic module is made to be more robust. The issue of possible dividing by zero when calculating induction is avoided.

  • Improved efficiency in the BEM aerodynamic module. The wind speed is only calculated at the first iteration of each time step.

  • Improved accuracy in the calculation of the mean wind speed, for the dynamic inflow model and for the yaw error correction.

  • Improved accuracy in the calculation of the contribution of the hub velocity to the dynamic inflow effect.

  • Improved accuracy in the azimuthal interpolation in the BEM aerodynamic module.


  • Hydro magnus force was computed incorrectly

  • When defining a power law hydro current velocity profile (“current 2” in the “water_properties” block) a sign error caused the application of a very wrong vertical hydrodynamic velocity profile. This has now been fixed such that it is aligned with the definition in the manual.

  • The ‘aero secforce’ sensor and the output_at sensors ‘secforce’, ‘secmoment’, ‘int_force’ and ‘int_moment’ are now correctly output in the blade coordinate system if the blades are flexible. Previously a transformation matrix from section to blade coordinates for the undeflected blade had been used in the output computation routine.

  • The choice of dynamic stall model for each aerodynamic section in the ae-file has been fixed.

  • Fixed a bug in the computation of yaw correction model and in the computation of the dynamic inflow model.

  • The non-dimensional radius used in the BEM aerodynamic module is now updated every time step to account for rotor flexibility. Previously, only the rotor total radius was updated.

  • In the aerodynamic module, fix a bug when calculating the initial position of the blades for aerodynamic calculation, when the radius of the blades is different.

  • In the aerodynamic module of BEM and near wake, fix a bug when doing interpolation of the induction between the induction grid and blade section.

  • Fix a bug when getting wind speed much further upstream of a turbine, when using a Mann turbulence box.

Known issues:

  • VAWT calculations: Running with small Vrel and large Omega causes issues with the dynamic stall model. This is related to the separation time-constant, which is too large, causing the flow to stay attached, and shows up as un-physical jumps in the recorded aerodynamic coefficients.

HAWC2 User Manual 13.0:

  • Added description on new sensors “totfrc” and “totmom”.

  • Added description of discontinuous Cl and Cd for extreme VAWT cases in dynamic stall model section.

  • Added description of new command “mass_scaling_method”.

  • Corrected the description of the dynamic inflow time constants for the BEM and VAWT models.

  • Added description of flags for vortex cylinder model, near-wake sweep, BEM options.

  • Added recommendations for the aero model for HAWTs in section 12.

  • Added description of user-defined a-CT relationship “a_ct_table”.

  • Added description of the “aerodrag_element”.

  • Added description of automatic deactivation of the dynamic stall model.

  • Added documentation of the output of Force DLL.

  • Corrected the arguments of hawc-DLL example in C.

  • Clarified documentation of the water current power law velocity profile.

  • Added description of the “bldata_filename” format.

  • Added description of “rotate_sec” for counter-clockwise rotating rotor.

  • A user guide for ESYSWamit and ESYSMooring is now added to the manual as appendices.

  • Add links to the HAWC2Public/examples and reference models repositories.

  • All code blocks are now numbered, framed and include syntax highlighting (except for htc files) for improved readability.


  • Added floater visualization (see also HAWC2 user manual, appendix ESYSWamit).

  • Added an update to the rotation matrix when using the static solver.

  • Bugfix: QTF forces were summed up incorrectly.

  • Included hydrostatic stiffness contribution from hydrostatic moment (x/y offset of COB).

  • Split of rotations into yawed and pitch/rolled (this changes the reference frame for forces/moments).

  • Optionally write out of system matrices to files (“write_matrices”).

  • Changed output order, now the order of the first 37 channels are the same independent on QTF forces/moments. This updated is also reflected in the ESYSWamit appendix in the HAWC2 User Manual.

  • Bugfix: related to diffraction calculation when using “FFT0” methodology.

  • Included _calc_initcond to enable positioning of floater from HAWC2 (using “orientation relative”).

ESYS-Mooring 1.4:

  • Added bending stiffness so dynamic power cables (or other stiff cable types) can be modelled (via the additional keyword “bending_stiff”, in addition to the existing “axial_stiff” keyword in the ESYSMooring “ext_sys” section.

ESYS-Tools 1.3:

  • Add origin offset to constraint cstr_body_origin_disp_forced. This can be relevant for example when modelling an earthquake for which the acceleration field is applied to a node that is not positioned at (0,0,0) in the global frame of reference.


12.9.0 linux HAWC2_12.9.0_linux.zip (207.58 MB)

12.9.0 win32 HAWC2_12.9.0_win32.zip (49.85 MB)

12.9.0 win64 HAWC2_12.9.0_win64.zip (110.34 MB)

Release notes

Major features:

  • HAWC2, IECTurbulence, win_dll and ESYS dlls are now available for three platforms: Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit and Linux 64-bit.

  • An effort has been made to make the transition between platforms as easy as possible, and in many cases the exact same HAWC2 input files will be able to run on all platforms.

  • All external DLLs must, however, be (re-)compiled for the target platform. The following DLL extensions are recommended as HAWC2 will automatically determine the platform and search for the right one: my_dll_name.dll (win32), my_dll_name_64.dll (win64), my_dll_name.so (linux).

  • On Linux, filenames are case sensitive, but functionality has been implemented to mimic the windows case-insensitive behaviour on Linux, see details and caveats in section 10.2 in the manual.

  • Damping tuning procedure: a method for tuning the structural damping of a body has been implemented. This new feature will allow users to specify the damping for certain modes of a body/system. HAWC2 will output the full damping matrix, and a simple Python script will solve an optimization problem such that the user defined mode numbers end up with the requested structural damping level. For more information see appendix C of the user manual. Further, a functional example is available here.

  • Option to scale turbulence based on the variation of the entire turbulence box, see description of the “scaling_method” command in section 11.2 in the manual.

Minor features:

  • New license manager. The new unified license manager, HAWCLicense, will work for both HAWC2 and HAWCStab2. Note it is the only option for Linux. The old license manager, licence_manager.dll, is still included in the HAWC2 bundle to allow the execution of previous HAWC2 versions. DTU will support this version for as long that is needed.

  • Version printing. When opening a DLL, HAWC2 tries to call the get_version function of the DLL and prints the version result in the log.

  • New program, Checkversion.exe, which can be used to check the version of dlls (and at the same time check that they are compiled for the current platform)

  • Added new subroutine to ESYS which is called when animating eigenmodes

  • Implementation of user wind DLL, see section 11.15 in the manual

  • Implementation of output sensor calculator which can be used e.g. to offset time sensor, or to scale forces from kN to N, or to do more complex operations. See section 17 in the manual.

  • Improved error handling and error messages. For example, HAWC2 will now write an error message when the st file can not be found.

  • The relative wind speed due to the hub movement is now included in the free wind speed used to compute dynamic inflow time constants, yaw/tilt correction. This relative free wind speed is also used to compute the induced velocity from the induction factor a. Especially floating wind turbines will be affected by this improved model accuracy. A publication where the updated BEM is compared to free wake computations of floating turbines moving in surge and pitch is forthcoming.

  • Added init time for data format flex_int (see manual).

  • Bearing type 1 and 2 can now have a non-zero initial sensor angles (see manual).

  • New mbdy.wind sensor outputting global or relative wind speed at a point on a main body, see section 17.5 in the manual.

  • Improve numerical stability when a hydrodynamic element crosses the mean water level (mwl).

  • Various additional hydrodynamic output commands (see manual section 17.11).


  • keyword, ‘dll’ replaced with ‘filename’ in force/dll, new_htc_structure/ext_sys, wind/user_wind_dll and constraint/dll. The old ‘dll’ keyword is still working, but the new ‘filename’ keyword is recommended as the value is not converted to lower case, i.e. “filename MyFileName” can be used instead of “dll ‘MyFileName’”(note the single quotes). See also section 10.2 in the manual

Bug fixes:

  • Fix stack overflow problem in the gtsdf output format occurring with thousands of sensors

  • When a hydrodynamic element went out of the water, some but not all forces/pressure where properly reset to zero. In some cases this could lead to an observable build-up of pressure on the element that was not physical when it would often transition from dry to wet.

  • Fix for call of “init_string” subroutine in hawc_dll.

  • Included effect of node rotation in constraint type 4: if the fixed end of the constrained node experienced rotation deformations, it was previously not taken into account.

Wkin_dll version 2.8.4:

  • Bugfix: use a deep water wave kinematic formulation when the wave is in fact in deep water.

  • Bugfix: previously wheeler stretching was always on for regular waves no matter what the user requested.

  • New option for regular airy waves (reg_airy): introduction of key “ignore_water_surface” to allow outputting water kinematics also for positions above water surface (see also manual).

ESYSMooring version 1.3:

  • Fix issue with reading filename containing forward slash

ESYSSuperelement version 1.1: . Fix forward/back-slash issue in Linux

ESYSWamit version 1.3:

  • Skip transformation of hydrostatic force component to avoid static force in surge/sway due to constant pitch/heave offset.

  • Bugfix related to pseudo angles used for user-defined linear stiffness. It fixes convergence problems around +/-180 degree yaw.

  • Fix stack overflow problem in vector addition.

  • Fix issue with reading filename containing forward slash.

ESYSTools version 1.2:

  • Implementation of stick/slip model with varying stick/slip force/moment by DLL input.

  • Implementation of new constraint formulation for cstr_meas_rot_body2body. This version now also works beyond +/- 90 degrees.

  • Exclude gcc compiler directives in order to fix compiler (gcc/ifort) mis-matches.

  • Fix convergence issues when stick/slip moment becomes small.

HAWC2 User Manual version 12.9:

  • Fixed issue that truncated some tables of the main_body command table

  • Clarifications and rectifications for various commands:

    • The first column in the st file refers to the curved length and not the radius (section 9.2.2)

    • 2nd parameter for constant shear type is a dummy (section 11.1)

    • Extend IEC EWS gust command description (section 11.1)

    • Refer to the Mann turbulence length scale as defined in the IEC standard: 33.6 instead of 29.4 as reported previously (section 11.2)

    • Explanation of why large lift coefficients can be computed by the MHH dynamic stall model, which is typically not an error (section 12.3)

    • Formula describing how hydrodynamic torque friction was missing a factor Pi (section 14.3)

    • More clear definition on what is understood for the axial added mass (hydrodynamics) coefficients (section 14.3)

    • External Force DLL interface has an init procedure (section 16.1.2)

    • Outputs aero omega, torque and power can differ from their “mechanical” equivalents (section 17.7)

    • output aero induc_a_norm: excluding induction instead of including (section 17.7)

    • wsp_rotor_avg sensor does not include tower top motion (section 17.7)


12.8.19 win32 HAWC2_12.8.19.zip (92.15 MB)

Release notes

This version is identical to 12.8.0 except that it is compiled with the Intel fortran compiler version 19.

The reason is that a strange behaviour (presumably a bug in intel fortran 2020, i.e. version 19.10) has been found which means that dlls with relative paths cannot be loaded.


12.8.0 win32 HAWC2_12.8.0.zip (92.16 MB)

Release notes

Major features:

  • New system for encrypted data files. The system uses an executable (available for windows and linux) to encrypt standard HAWC2 datafiles, e.g. blade data, such that only HAWC2 can read the file.

  • The BEM induction for blades with prebend / out-of-plane deflection and sweep is improved:

  • The local thrust and torque coefficients, which are used in the induction computation, are now multiplied by the derivative of the blade curve length with respect to the radius as described in Section 2.7 of [1].

  • A radial induction model (command ‘radial_induc’, see manual) is now available as described in Section 2.8 of [1].

  • In previous versions, the elastic center of node 1 was handled as if it was at origo. I.e. if “body A last” was “oriented relative to” or “constrained to” “body B 1”, and “body B 1” was not at origo, then “body A last” was in fact “oriented relative to” or “constrained to” the origo of “body B”. Therefore, a warning was printed to the log if node 1 was not at origo.

  • In the current version, this behavior has been changed. An offset of the elastic center of node 1 is now allowed and a warning is no longer logged.

  • NOTE!!! This essentially may change the behavior of all existing models where the elastic center of node 1 is not at origo.

  • It is still possible to “orient relative to” or “constrain to” origo (keep the old behavior) by setting node number of mbdy2 to 0.

Minor features:

  • Optional reduced logfile size by only writing out time step iteration statistics (of every xx seconds of simulation) instead of every time step. See “log_deltat” in manual.

  • The dynamic inflow time constants in the BEM model are updated as described in Section 2.6 of [1].

  • Custom tip/root-loss factor along the blades. See section 12.6 in the manual

  • Ainslie k2 parameter was by mistake set to 0.003 in the integrated ainslie module in version 12.7. The value has been reverted to 0.008 as it was in the previously used external ainslie.dll, see [2] for details on the calibration of this parameter.

  • Increased accuracy for large rotations in some constraints

  • Increased accuracy for large rotations in some sensors (statevec_new, pitch sensor etc.)

  • If a dll is not found or cannot be loaded, HAWC2 will now stop with an error message

  • Multiple “dll” and “base” sections now allowed in one “force” section

  • Strings passed to init_string of hawc_dll and type2_dll are now null terminated

  • Argument 3 of “mbdy forcevec” and “mbdy momentvec” must be 1 or 2. If other values are specified the sensor will now be empty

  • It is now possible to set “orientation/relative/mbdy2” to “last”. In previous versions an error occurred

  • Filtering of rigid body modes in superelements using svd (htc/superelement/esys_iface_nodes/nof_rigid_modes)

  • With the new ‘only_update_r_mono_incr 1’ command, the computed induction will be frozen and a warning will be written to the log file whenever the radius is not monotonically increasing towards the tip due to extreme deflections. In this condition, some assumptions in both the BEM and the near wake model break down and the results become unreliable. See the manual for details.

  • Add extern_get_simtime interface for external modules (ESYS)


  • Fix DWM issue occurring in simulations with downstream wake sources. This bug was introduced in 12.7 and resulted in random wake deficits being added at the turbine from downstream wake sources. Downstream wake sources are now ignored (not calculated) as they should be.

  • Fix of the statevec_new sensor:

  • The elastic rotation computation has been fixed. See Figure 1 (below text).

  • The three last arguments (sign, x and y) is now read and used in the computation

  • Improved accuracy for large rotations, same as above.

  • Did not work for the outermost position of a beam

  • Fix issue in input reader related to spaces before labels.

  • Fix issue occurring when adding more than 10 force.dll or force.base (no hardcoded limit)

  • The visualization diameter of cylinders corrected. Before the diameter was sqrt(2) too big.

  • Fix issue with concentrated mass. Before, a part of the centrifugal force and moment due to a concentrated mass was added twice if the concentrated mass was attached to the first node on a body

  • Moment caused by external force on first node with offset from origo added

  • Fix DWM deficit interpolation issue. Before the deficit points were extrapolated from the adjacent radial segment

  • Airfoil polars are now handled with double precision, and the precision in the MHH dynamic stall model is increased to consistent double precision

  • Remove unnecessary array allocations, which previously could cause index errors

References: Madsen, H. Aa., Larsen, T. J., Pirrung, G. R., Li, A., and Zahle, F.: Implementation of the blade element momentum model on a polar grid and its aeroelastic load impact, Wind Energ. Sci., 5, 1–27, https://doi.org/10.5194/wes-5-1-2020, 2020. Madsen, H. Aa., Larsen G. C., Larsen, T.J., Troldborg, N. and Mikkelsen, R.F. Calibration and validation of the dynamic wake meandering model for implementation in an aeroelastic code. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 132(4):041014 (14 pages), 2010.

Wkin_dll updated to 2.8.1 New features:

  • User-defined phase shift for regular and irregular wave generation

  • Save and re-use wave fields

  • Change the PM spectra. Before the input period was assumed to be Tz (zero upcrossing wave period). Now the input period is assumed to be Tp (Peak period) as stated in the manual

  • Note!!! This changes the spectrum of existing models that uses the PM spectrum

  • McCamy Fuchs correction to the water particle acceleration

Bug fixes:

  • Fix bug in embedded stream function wave

  • Solve a memory issue when pregenerating large wave field

  • fix issue with long filenames (increased max filename length from 64 to 256)

HAWC2 Manual 12.8

  • Updated to match HAWC2 12.8

  • Updated to match wkin_dll 2.8.1

  • Several typos corrected

  • Description of user defined shear turbulence files

  • Description and figure of forcevec and momentvec definitions

  • Example of output_at_time section

  • Description of data file encryption


12.7.0 win32 HAWC2_12.7.zip (44.34 MB)

Release notes

Major features:

  • New sparse matrix solver (solvertype 2). It is highly recommended to use the new and faster sparse solver

  • Input reader now ignores HAWCStab2 section. I.e. the same input file can be used for both HAWC2 and HAWCStab2

  • HAWC2 now writes build info and the version number of used dlls into the logfile

Minor features:

  • Minimum output call interval set to 1 (every time step)

  • In tower shadow the error message changed to “WARNING” when wind speed is requested inside the tower

  • Add label to wind sensors. This was not consistent with the manual for 12.6 and earlier

  • New output options: new_htc_structure/write_body_beam_data and new_htc_structure/write_element_matrices

  • ESYS: warning on duplicate constraints

  • Coordinate system options implemented for the ‘aero secforce’ sensor. This was not consistent with the manual for 12.6 and earlier

  • Improved error message when creating a superelement with wrong input

  • Increased accuracy of turbulence interpolation (4 to 8 bytes). This may affect the turbulence scaling slightly

  • Implement factor_scaling wrt. v and w. This was not consistent with the manual for 12.6 and earlier

  • For turbulence boxes with uneven no. grid points, scaling is now based on turbulence intensity of the center point

  • add new rotor average wind speed sensor (aero wsp_rotor_avg)

  • Optionally specify diameter of upstream turbine in user defined wake deficit file

  • Ainslie DLL wake model integrated in HAWC2. This integration fixes earlier crashes, data passing via temporary files and gives numerical improvements


  • Fix in transformation matrix for large rotations

  • Shear center is now rotated to elastic axes coordinates, before it was in c2_def coordinates

  • v and w components are corrected for tower shadow model JET2. For HAWC2 12.5 and 12.6 they were set to zero

  • Tower_shadow_pot2 and tower_shadow_jet2 now lookup the correct tower radius (previous only first value was used)

  • Bugfix in nearwake module

  • Minor bugfix in BEM for CT>2.5

  • Bugfix wrt memory consumption - specially important for large number of output sensors

  • Output time step deltat was not working in gtsdf output format

  • Label for nacelle_lidar sensor fixed

  • Bugfix in tshadow_pot2_calc occuring when requesting wind speed below the tower

  • Bugfix of memory leak in call to ESYS DLL

  • Fix memory issue in hdf5 module (visualization and gtsdf)

  • Bugfix in call to esys_visual, the structure pointer was not 32/64-bit dependent.

  • Bugfix in direction interpolation of Morison drag and current profile

  • Fix reading of turbulence box when number of points in y and z direction differ

  • Start-time in flex format wrong when using output time step deltat

  • Improved convergence of the quasi steady BEM used for the upstream turbine in the DWM model


12.6.0 win32 HAWC2_all_12.6.zip (43.63 MB)

12.6.0 win64 HAWC2_12.6_64.zip (147.81 MB)

Release notes
  • Constraint enable/disable made active for t>=0 (previous t>0)

  • azimuthal user dependent rotor induction a-ct enabled. Previous userdefined (radial) a-ct dependent induction limited to linear interpolation

  • Nacelle lidar sensor + effective wind speed sensor. Written by Dominique Philipp Held domhel@dtu.dk

  • New mbdy sensor forcemoment_interp. This gives interpolated forces and moments independent on model discretisation (interpolated between nodal results)

  • Bugfix in type2.dll initstring

  • New sensor id reference option

  • New wind free_wind_center_pos0 and free_wind_hor_center_pos0 option

  • Bugfix in aero induction outputs when induction model not used.

  • New mbdy sensor statevec_new. This gives positions and rotations based on local chord orientation, either absolut of elastic deformation

  • Label option on all outputs enabled

  • Start/stop in visualization

  • Crash prevented when scale_time_start>time_stop for no-turbulent simulation

  • Wind sensors wind_free_center_pos0 and wind_free_hor_center_pos0 added

  • Aerodynamic noise model included

  • Bugfix related to label option and dll sensor linking i version 12.6 rev 7-10, noise module bypassed (aeronoise bypassed)

  • Bugfix in tower pot2 method to avoid strange situations causing crashes. (aeronoise bypassed)

  • Aeronoise included again

  • Bugfix in flex binary output format using reduced timestep outputs

  • Bugfix in output with dll reference system (affected only versions from 12.6 rev 6). This is now the final version 12.6